GangBang Creampie 141 InterviewAdd as favorite
Dec 13, 2017| 2| 66
Ahoy ahoy GangBang Mateys! We're back with another fun filled week of fucking, filling, and feeding! This week we have an absolute gem of a woman. She's got some of the bluest eyes ever. She's got a few more tricks tucked away but you'll get to see those at a later time. We have her in the backyard, and since it's the first time she's been here we take some time to get to know her. You can tell right away she's super energetic. She's got GREAT energy. She's always got a smile on her face, she's always interacting. She's the kind of chick you could go out and have some beers with and she'd wingman and get you laid. We let her tell us some stories and then we get going and head to the car. When we get to the car we get to see another one of those surprises. You guy see that bush? Holy canole. A bush of that magnitude takes cultivation. You can't just wake up one day and have something that damn amazing. In the car it's Mitts time to shine as always and he goes to town munching through that bush. He doesn't even get that romper off, he just goes to town. She really seems to enjoy it, and then it's his turn to get some road head, and she sucks him off until he can't handle it any longer. He's gotta give her creampies, not cum in her mouth. So he pulls back on the reigns until we arrive to the station.
And that'll close out the first part in this weeks fun. Stay tuned, cause you know what's CUMMING on Friday.
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